Profiled and planed timber

We offer a wide range of profiled and planed timber – paneling and cladding boards with tongue and groove – as well as other types of timber with a special profile.

During the production process, sawn timber is dried to a moisture content of 18±2%, sorted according to visual criteria and planed with a profile.

Cross-section (mm):

16×96 / 23.5×121 / 26×140 / 28×121 / 28×146 / 38×121

Length (m):

2.4 / 2.7 / 3.0 / 3.3 / 3.6 / 3.9 / 4.2 / 4.5 / 4.8 / 5.1 / 5.4 / 5.7 / 6.0


HPL / 4xF3 / T&G



Profiled timber specification; Profile HPL 16x96; Profile HPL 18.3x96; Profile HPL 23.5x121; Profile 26x140; Profile 28x121 T&G; Profile 28x146 T&G;